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Studies in Mathematics Education Series 4.ĭepdiknas. (2005) A Model for AnalysingĪlgebraic Processes of Thinking. Quasi-Experimental Study To Improve Student Performance in College Calculus By Promoting Reflective Abstraction Through Individual, Peer, Instructor And Curriculum Initiates” Makalah pada AMATYC 33rd AnnualĬhiappini, G., Bazzini, L., and Arzarello, F. “Reflective Abstraction And The Concept Of Limit: A International Journal of Mathematical Behavior. “Learning binary operations, groups, and subgroups”. Rubric for Creative Thinking Skills Evaluation.īrown, et. Observation Skill for Effective Teaching. “Learning Mathematical Rules with Reasoning”.Įurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. International Journal of Social Sciences.Īzwar, S. Problem-Based Learning: Pedagogy and Practice in the EngineeringĬlassroom”. “Creative Thinking Skill Approach Through Handbook of Research on the PsychologyĪwang, H. “The development of students’ understanding of permutations and symmetrics”. Washington DC: The Mathematical Association of America.Īsiala, M. Reading in: Cooperative Learning for Undergraduate “A Framework for Research and Curriculumĭevelopment in Undergraduate Mathematics Education”. “The development of students’ graphical understanding of the derivative”. Meningkatkan kemampuan Pembuktian Mahasiswa dalamĪljabar Abstrak melalui Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Teori APOS. Effects Instruction in Creative Problem Solving onĬognition, Creativity, and Satisfaction among Ninth Grade Students in an Introduction to World Agricultural Science and Technology Course. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Īlexander, K. PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL THINKING DAN DISPOSISI BERPIKIR KREATIF MATEMATIS MAHASISWA MELALUI PENDEKATAN M-APOS