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I created a series of youtube videos explaining portions of what i did, as i did it. In summary, another disappointment from this iconic duo's decline.It/forums/users/pnoniefish red bitcoin slot. The direction never rises above the uninspired at best. Like most of the humour, it feels both over-played and fatigued which is not a good combination. The odd mildly amusing line aside, the script is a major failing too, there is too much emphasis on it and not enough of the physical comedy which means that the boys' strengths don't shine enough. Most of the story, despite a good start, is all over the map however, the pace fails to come to life too much, it is very contrived and it goes far too over-the-top on the silliness that it becomes intelligence insultingly dumb. There are no standouts in the rest of the cast, most having very little to nothing to do. Their personalities, what made them famous and what was so appealing about them are not there enough either, they are rather bland and somewhat out of character. Like 'Great Guns', neither Laurel or Hardy are used well, they do feel shoe-horned in and for top-billing it was like they were playing second fiddle to Dante. Laurel and Hardy do their best and their chemistry does shine in places, some of the physical comedy is nimble.

The best parts being the rope trick, the hitch-hiking and the duping of the inflato machine. Have found that most lesser Laurel and Hardy still have moments and 'A-Haunting We Will Go' does have those and it also actually starts off quite well. Dante is an interesting and amusing character and in a way steals the show, although for my tastes he is over-used. The photography is professional, the production design is spooky and there is none of the crudeness of the editing that was there in some of the late Hal Roach-period films. 'A-Haunting We Will Go' looks good, one of the best Laurel and Hardy efforts in this regard. On reflection it is marginally better than 'Great Guns', despite not being a good film, with it having a marginally better script (not saying much) and Laurel and Hardy are in a setting that they gel much better in. Like to love many of their previous films, the best of which being classic comedy, but their post-Hal Roach period saw quite a big decline and all their weaker films (the worst of which quite bad) were made during this period.

It is not terrible overall, but it is bad Laurel and Hardy. Whether it's their worst though is debatable, with it being made in their decline period (which started with their previous film 'Great Guns') where most of the films from the period are equal contenders for that distinction. Do agree that 'A-Haunting We Will Go' is a lesser effort of theirs and a disservice to the duo. 'A-Haunting We Will Go' is often considered a lesser Laurel and Hardy film and some even say it's their worst. Also really love their partnership, which deservedly is remembered in iconic terms. They had memorable personalities/personas that really shone when the material given played to their strengths, it is very easy to understand their appeal and why they are considered comic geniuses and one of the greatest comedy duos. Will always have a lot of affection for Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.